In 2022, a voluntary program was launched in Katowice, Poland, to strengthen connections between local residents and foreigners. By identifying areas with higher foreign populations, forming diverse local groups, and encouraging dialogue, the program aimed to improve neighborhoods and promote unity.

Anna, a Katowice local, embraced the program’s goals after initial hesitation. Engaging with individuals from various cultures, she gained new friendships and perspectives. Collaborating with her local group, they organized a multicultural fair celebrating global traditions. This event not only united the community but also enhanced cultural exchange and understanding.

Anna’s success story.

I was a simple girl who had a desire to travel and a fantastic chance to engage in the activities she truly enjoyed.
Although it was challenging to take a gap year and spend two long days getting to Poland, I was not disappointed.
At first glance, Katowice’s architecture impressed me. The city was a combination of new and old buildings. In addition, everything about the people of Poland—their history, customs, even methods of life—was entirely different from that of my nation.
The things I was doing there were more impressive than just living there, like playing with children and having fun, learning a lot while you’re with them, and acknowledging history while you’re monitoring the places for people who have special needs, to overcome the situation when you’re completely alone, to exult while you’re traveling, to make new friends while you’re still a local, and to feel proud of yourself while representing your nation at an Armenian
the concert where you may introduce legends and
the entirety of the country’s breathtaking beauty as well as Armenian culture, dances, and songs.
The moment you realize you have to leave your home to return home, you experience both sadness and happiness. You have the past behind you—the past that was filled with priceless people and events, the past that was full of experiences, and the past that I referred to as my “Polish life.”
Therefore, in order to experience these amazing moments, you must possess courage and self-assurance and never be afraid to challenge yourself. Never give up on your dreams; anything is possible.